The message of "Christian Pornstar" is to make every adult entertainer aware that they ARE good enough for Jesus Christ and God (and that God is more than happy to welcome them home to the Light and the Source).
However, the Christian Pornstar movement is not enough. It's time to revolutionize that adult entertainment / porn industry by injecting Jesus, God, Light and Goodness into it via the new genera of adult entertainment: Christian Porn.
Below are the guidelines (also known as the Christian PornStar (CPS) commandments of which Christian Porn will be based upon.
The 21 Christian Pornstar Commandments
- thou shalt utilize condoms for intercourse and oral sexual activity (with the exception of pairing that have been legitimately [legally and spiritually] married for 1 year or longer and STD tested within 1 week of the scene)
- thou shalt not have anal sex between a man and a woman
- thou shalt not have pairings that are not pre-approved at least 3 days in advance by each adult talent
- thou shalt not create parody from historical, factual and/or classical bodies of work.
- thou shalt not have multiple partners within a scene
- thou shalt not allow multiple simultaneous penetration of any sort between a male and female
- thou shalt not have a pimp
- thou shalt not communicate professionally with unaccredited writers and/or bloggers ( especially those who have never actually worked in porn) who are not of the LIGHT about the technical and spiritual aspects of Christian Porn
- thou shalt not depict minors in porn
- thou shalt not depict an age difference between partners that exceeds 10 years
- thou shalt not insert any sexual toys into the woman's anus
- thou shalt not acknowledge the concept of IR sex - as all humans are created equal and the only race is the human race
- thou shalt not create parody of material based on children's themes
- thou shalt not create parody or content based on racist prejudice or sexist themes
- thou shalt not depict beastiality
- thou shalt not depict physical abuse
- thou shalt not utilize verbally abusive language during sexual acts
- thou shalt not ejaculate on the woman's face
- thou shalt not depict scat
- thou shalt not utilize actors and/or actresses under the age of 21 years old.
- thou shalt only pair actors and actresses who have spent a minimum of 8 hours getting to know each other prior to the filming of a sex act.
- thou shalt only utilize actors (and actresses) who have had an STD test within 1 week of shooting (full panel).