
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Christian Pornstar - Syphilis in the Porn Industry, a prayer for Shy Love & websites for sale

On this Monica Foster at Home ( Christian Pornstar edition) webcast, Monica gives an update on the current Syphilis (a curable but potentially deadly sexually transmitted disease STD) outbreak which has forced the Los Angeles porn industry to essentially shut down. Monica Foster also shares her concern for a porn agent named Shy Love, who has made mistakes in the past, but has done the right thing in regards to notifying the public and press about a pornstar of which she recently represented who may be the source of the current Los Angeles porn industry Syphilis outbreak (which has had national news coverage and has affected the porn industry as a whole).

Monica encourages her viewers to say a short prayer for Shy Love being that her choice to speak out and take action in effort to protect the health of Los Angeles porn industry performers has brought criticism, bullying, negativity, hate, stress and death threats upon her from her industry peers.

Monica feels that Shy Love needs support and encouragement from the public to change for the better and continue to do the right thing so that Jesus Christ assist in delivering her from the dangers of the Los Angeles porn industry - especially considering that she's a mother and currently pregnant.

Monica also shares that her websites and are for sale to anyone with good intention looking to establish themselves within the world of adult entertainment.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monica Foster at Home - closing statements on life, Christian Pornstar, the porn industry & more

Monica specifically discusses Gabby Douglas, Paris Jackson, TJ Jackson, Kim Kardashian, and her interview with Nick Manning - a male pornstar who she feels misrepresented himself spiritually and who may be associated with individuals (possibly people associated with Scientology / Scientologists) who attempted to utilize and exploit the Christian Pornstar awareness movement to further their professional presence. Monica Foster explains how she is not interested in working with anyone attached to the Los Angeles porn industry and conveys how she has reached the conclusion that there is nothing salvageable in regards to the Los Angeles porn industry.

More of Monica Foster and her thoughts on the Los Angeles porn industry can be found on and