
Monday, June 6, 2011

Pro-Porn vs. Anti-Porn | Shelley Lubben vs. Michael Whiteacre (and the Free Speech Coalition / FSC)

Didn't expect to do a Monica Foster @ Home yesterday - but it was necessary.

Monica Foster gives a special report on some information Michael Whiteacre (producer of The Devil and Shelley Lubben) has recently brought to light on anti-porn Christian activist Shelley Lubben of the Pink Cross.
Monica shares her frustration in regards to the pro porn / anti-porn debate and relates how at this stage she is on neither side due to dealing with as much "Christian" harassment as she has porn industry harassment.
Monica speaks about how neither pro porn or anti-porn groups seem to get the point that they are 2 sides of the same coin which has serious flaws on each side.
At the end of the broadcast Monica Foster does a prayer / meditation session in effort for all the truths to finally come to light in relation to these issues and the people involved.

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