
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Desi Foxx (Diana Grandmason) fights back against AIM and their policies on releasing patient records.

One thing that always bothered me personally in regards to AIM (the adult industry testing center which essentially has a monopoly on STD testing within the porn industry) is that ANYONE who is an adult content "producer" (in otherwords anyone who is willing to pay a fee to get access to the AIM talent pool database) - can look up my medical records.

I stopped performing in the adult talent pool around the beginning of 2009 - however ANYONE who pays around $200 to AIM can gain access to my medical records with them, my social security number, my real name, my address, etc.

This makes me very uncomfortable for many reasons, but especially for reasons concerning my safety (stalkers could easily find me if they wanted to). I personally feel that if you're not active in the talent pool for around 6 months, your records should be sealed or deleted.

Ex pornstar (adult actress) Desi Foxx, has decided to fight back against this issue - primarily because there have been real assholes in the industry who have posted her records and info on public forums. Check out the video below from ABC news covering the press conference about Grandmason's upcoming law suit against AIM:

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Before entering the porn world, keep in mind, that you will NOT be totally anonymous. Many individuals that you work with both in front of AND behind the camera will attain your real name and personal information which they may choose to use against you at some point for a wide array of reasons.

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