
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taking time off after you begin performing.

When I first began performing in porn, initially I had the idea that I'd work consistently for around 4 to years. Well, considering that I got into the porn business during a transitional stage in our economy (and especially in the adult industry) AND the fact that after beginning to perform, I realized that "porn world" was far different than I'd anticipated, I decided to take some time off from around Feb of 2009 to August 2009.

I needed the time off to rethink and reassess:
  • What type of performer I really am.
  • Whether the porn business is really right for me.
  • How I could build a career on the foundation (my websites and past porn movies I've been featured in) that I'd created for myself already.
I suppose 7 months seems like a long time to take to figure such things out, but in reality it's not - and from what I can observe - it's fairly common for a performer to do.

When you enter the world of porn, truthfully - it can be a bit of a shock. Most people don't realize this, but porn world is essential a culture and lifestyle. It can take a while to become familiar and comfortable with ( and some people never DO become familiar and/or comfortable with it - if you're one of those people, it's not a business for you).

I've found that I like porn world - a lot. My long term goal is to write, direct, and produce adult features - period. It took me a while to realize that I'm as much of a "weirdo and pervert" as I am, but truthfully, if I hadn't taken time off to really get to know my "post porn" self I would not have ever realized this.

Come October, I will be entering "phase 2" of "Monica Foster - the porn girl". I took the time to revamp my website, and look during my time off. I also took the time to get my mind where it needs to be in order to be the type of performer I want to be.

My suggestion to those in, or thinking about getting into the porn world, is to allow your initial entrance to simply be "phase 1" . You most likely will not be the performer or person you were when you began after even just a year, so pace yourself. Shoot some scenes, take in your surroundings, but then retract and figure out if this is something you want to build a career out of, because performing in porn generally isn't just something you can do and then walk away from without it substantially effecting MANY areas of your life from that point on.

Monica 2008
Monica Foster 2009


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

True. I think as someone who has always felt like a pervert and weirdo porn didn't open that up for me- but I was actually shocked by the lack of progressive attitudes in the porn industry. Perhaps I should have known better but ironically I got the impression they would be because the BDSM community has been very progressive from my experience(edit: And it was my mistake assuming that all sex oriented communities would be progressive. You can't assume...)
I was put off by my experiences in porn for that reason. Your stories of racism and the other stories of women being taken advantage of is also very upsetting. Kind of killing it for me along with the severe lack of safety in the industry. I've found out a lot of women get a lot of STDs when they start out and totally preventable ones that are on the AIM test too- uhg--