
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tanner Mayes "Meltdown" followup interview

A month or so ago there was a video circulated online by JM productions of young pornstar Tanner Mayes supposedly drugged up and/or liquored up and flipping out on a behind the scenes on a porn set.

Initially when I posted about the video , I was a bit harsh in my thoughts on Tanner's behavior.
When I saw this video I felt she was acting very unprofessional, however I also knew there must be more to her level of hostility, than just a cellphone being lost.

Julie Meadows recently conducted an excellent interview with Tanner to get the real story as to why she blew up on set and how she was taken advantage of by the people she was working with for over a year.

This interview clearly shows how there is much more to the porn industry, than just sex on camera, for many of the performers.

It will be interesting to watch how Tanner's situation progresses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this.