
Monday, October 10, 2011

And you thought Weinergate was bad - Republican Indiana State Representative Phil Hinkle was with a GAY pornstar!

News story and video courtesy - by Jim Shella

Porn tied to Phil Hinkle scandal:

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) - There are new developments in the sex scandal involving Indiana State Representative Phil Hinkle (R-Indianapolis.) A pair of pornographic websites are using Hinkle's name in the effort to attract business. The websites have hired the same Teen Hinkle hired for “a really good time.”

Kameryn Gibson, the teenager whom Phil Hinkle hired on Craigslist, now works for a Miami company called Flava Works.

He has posed for two pornographic websites it owns and, in a statement released by the company says he did it for Representative Hinkle, "I can show him what he and his pals really missed out on," he says.

Hinkle, who says there was no sex when he took Gibson to a hotel room in August, reacted over the phone by saying "The kid's a liar and a thief and outside of that I don't want to comment." He again declined an on-camera interview.

In the meantime the west side Republican can't get away from the scandal that caused Conan O'Brien to joke about him on a late night talk show.

"Phil Hinkle, who voted to ban gay marriage," said O'Brien, "was caught propositioning a male prostitute. Now, asked to explain himself, Hinkle said 'I wasn't going to marry him.'"

Cable TV commentator Keith Olbermann also took on Hinkle, nominating him for one of his "worst person in the world" awards.

"The bronze to Indiana state representative Phillip Hinkle," said Olbermann, "who says he will not resign after soliciting a.. quote.. really good time from an 18-year-old boy on Craigslist."

Hinkle refuses to step down despite calls for his resignation by a GOP leader and the Speaker of the Indiana House. He has been removed as the chairman of two committees but continues to believe he can weather a scandal that is now far beyond his control.

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